Nov 06, 2020 — Hong Kong ParticleX held it’s first Investment Committee Meeting themed “ParticleX PropTech Global Challenge 2020” on 31 October. The first batch of applications was closed on 14 October and has attracted startups from different countries, which highlights its international character. Although Hong Kong, China, and the United States represent the majority of participants, there are also startups from countries like Spain, Portugal, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Argentina, Ukraine, India, and Bangladesh, etc.
The new initiative has sparked the interest of startups from many areas of Proptech related activities. This includes the following sectors: construction, finance, hospitality, smart city, healthcare, insurance, logistics and robotics industries, etc. As intended, this program is designed to provide startups with immediate solutions to help them mitigate the downturn and disruption caused by the pandemic.
Participating startups are selected after screening applications from all over the world. Afterwards, ParticleX carries out intensive reviews of preselected startups with the partners. Outstanding startups will be shortlisted to take part in the Investment Committee Meeting.
The 1st Investment Committee Meeting was conducted online with startups in heavy participation. The meeting included Q&A sessions and lasted for 5 hours taking into account all time zones around the world. In addition to startup pitches, there were panel discussions by the investment committee from ParticleX, corporate partners, Chinachem Group, and representatives from Hong Kong Science and Technology Park. Selected startups will be proceeding to the next phase of investment due diligence, incubation, and business opportunities.
“We’re proud and excited to open the call for the 2nd Batch application to the ParticleX PropTech Global Challenge 2020. The 1st batch we received many Proptech startups from all over the world pushing new technological solutions in support of our initiatives. The proptech momentum driving the sector through the pandemic will be the products and services that save the operation cost or otherwise offer differentiating services to generate more customer leads and engagement. We will be able to accelerate the growth of innovative startups and scale their proptech solutions through this program.” said Mingles Tsoi, CXO of ParticleX.

Outstanding Startups Highlights:
Alpha’a – Data-driven marketplace & artist discovery platform is a community-oriented platform using blockchain technology to offer tailor-made art collections to businesses across all industries, including the real estate sectors of hospitality, office, and co-working/living spaces have addressed this complex challenge for property owners and developers.
Sector: Hospitality, Share Economy; Founder: Manuela Seve – AI computer vision automate construction monitoring of Customindz Limited develops a dedicated computer vision engines for enterprises in the construction industry. It is also an established one-stop artificial intelligence platform that detects key events such as safety failures of construction site equipment, vehicles and workers, material allocation, and productivity in real-time. The intelligent platform solves the three pain points of safety supervision, improve efficiency and increase profits.
Sector: Smart City. Founder: Gary Ng
Smartbeings – Voice AI Assistants for Contactless Customer Experience
SmartBeings is a silicon valley based company and creator of award-winning ‘WooHoo’. WooHoo is the world’s first enterprise-grade contactless Voice Assistant & Video Conferencing solution powered by an AI-based Marketing engine for Real estate & Senior Care. WooHoo focuses on enhancing guest experience & safety, increasing revenue and saving valuable time & manpower cost by automation. SmartBeings mostly focuses on Hospitality, Office/Workplace & Health(senior)care, etc.
Sector: Smart City. CEO: Himanshu Kaul

The 2nd Batch application, Winter 2020, will be closed on 18 November 2020. For program details of ParticleX PropTech Global Challenge 2020, visit
About ParticleX
Particle Accelerator Limited (ParticleX) was founded in late 2017 by Shine Works. ParticleX is a startup accelerator in Hong Kong focusing on the latest in technology trends. ParticleX fosters a vibrant startup ecosystem by bringing together early-staged capital, market expertise, research capabilities, and multitalented individuals. Utilizing the distinct geographical advantages of Hong Kong and Mainland China, ParticleX elevates the region’s entrepreneurial leadership and influence to a whole new level.
About Chinachem Group
Chinachem Group is a leading property developer in Hong Kong. Their history of success spans more than 50 years. Chinachem diversified their business over the years and has long established a leading position in the industry, as well as the key foundation for its internationalisation. Today, the Group’s business spans different areas, including residential, commercial, shopping malls and industrial buildings for sale or lease, as well as hotels for operation, and so on. The group has a solid foundation and constantly strives for improvement and is never satisfied with standing still. The best start-up teams might have an opportunity to be selected by Chinachem as one of the technology solution providers.
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