Hon. Mr. Duncan Chiu
Legislative Council Member
Technology & Innovation Constituency
Duncan has committed to technology and innovation development for nearly 20 years. He is not only a tech entrepreneur but also a veteran investor, as well as an influential advocator of local technology and innovation policies. He often speaks at forums and conferences to promote start-up culture and helps young entrepreneurs with workshops and mentorship.
Duncan is the President of the Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council (HKITJC) and the Convenor of Innovate for Future, a think tank representing some of the leading technology start-ups in Hong Kong. He is also the Chairman of HKTDC Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Services Advisory Committee, the Chairman of Information Technology Services Committee of the Hospital Authority, the Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Member of the Advisory Committee of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Chairman of Lai Yuen Company Limited.
邱先生致力推動科技創新界近 20 年。他既是⼀位科技企業創業者,⼜是⼀位資深的投資者,更是本地科創政策的倡議者。邱先生亦經常參與科技及創業交流活動,發表演說,並與初創企業家分享心得及提供指導。