Mr. Mingles Tsoi (蔡明都先生)
ParticleX 首席探索官 (CXO – Chief eXploration Officer)
亞洲金融科技師學會 副主席暨學術及資歷認證咨詢委員會主席
Mingles serves as the Chief eXploration Officer (CXO) at ParticleX, a Hong Kong-based investment firm and innovation catalyst, dedicated to early-stage technology startups. Leveraging a unique combination of extensive network, financial resources, and research expertise to expedite technological advancements and support startups in seizing global opportunities. Prior to joining ParticleX, Mingles played a pivotal role at KPMG China as the Director of Startup and Innovation Services, where he focused on consulting services for startups and innovative businesses. With a passion for startup education, Mingles dedicated eight years to the CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship as Project Director. He was instrumental in the success of major initiatives such as the “Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge” and Google’s Empowering Young Entrepreneur (EYE) Program in Hong Kong. Mingles holds numerous board and committee positions, including the Hong Kong Business Angel Network (HKBAN), Cyberport Investors Network (CIN), DIT Committee of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, HKITIC & HK ProServices Council under the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI), Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association (HKMHDIA). He also serves as Director and Founding Member of Social Value Hong Kong (SVHK), Vice-Chairman of FHKI’s Startup Council, Vice-Chairman of the Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia (IFTA), where he is also the Chairman of the Academic and Accreditation Advisory Committee. Mingles is also the Advisor of the Center for Family Business of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Honorary Special Advisor of the Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education of the Education University of Hong Kong. Mingles is a Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF), Certified FinTech Technologist (CFT), Fellow of the Institute of Financial Accountants (FFA). Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants (FIPA).
蔡明都先生現任ParticleX粒子創投首席探索官,是一家致力於促進本地科技初創企業與深圳各方面資源建立對接渠道與策略合作的投資公司與加速孵化器。蔡先生曾擔任畢馬威中國創業與創新服務總監。在此之前,他為香港中文大學創業研究中心服務長達八年之久,籌辦了「香港社會企業挑戰賽」(簡稱HKSEC)及與谷歌公司合作策劃全港年青人創業訓練計劃「EYE Program」。蔡先生在年輕人創業及社會創新的實踐經驗豐富,曾被香港特區政府委任為青年發展基金工作小組增選委員及社會企業諮詢委員會委員。蔡先生致力推動香港創科發展,經常為科技初創比賽及大學的創業支援計劃擔任專業評審。蔡先生目前是社會效益國際協會(香港)董事及創會成員、香港天使投資脈絡董事會成員、數碼港投資者網絡委員、香港總商會數碼、資訊及電訊委員會委員、香港工業總會之香港初創企業協會副主席、香港資訊科技業協會委員、香港工業支援服務協會委員、香港醫療及保健器材行業協會附屬會員、亞洲金融科技師學會副主席暨學術及資歷認證諮詢委員會主席、香港中文大學家族企業研究中心顧問、香港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育中心名譽特別顧問。蔡先亦獲取了不同界別的專業資格,包括全球職涯發展師 (GCDF)、認可金融科技師 (CFT)、FIFA、FIPA資深會員。